Maricopa County, AZ


Permit ID: FD-17724

Permit Type: E & D

16848 Avenue Of The Fountains Fountain Hills 85268

*PRIORITY VIOLATION is a major violation that directly contributes to increasing the risk of foodborne illness or injury.
NA means not available. See detailed inspection reports for additional information.
Priority Violation *
Cutting Edge Participant

Violation Description

Violation Comments

Correct By
Proper cooling methods used; adequate equipment for temperature control
Core-3-501.15 (B), C: Cooling Methods; Cooling containers. - - - - - - -Observed several tightly wrapped containers shredded beef, roasted red peppers, opened container of chick peas and raw marinating chicken in walk-in cooler with internal tmeprautres ranging from 48-67*F. Observed pans of quinous and boiled diced potatoes on speedrack near kitchen exit with intwernal temperatures of 65-68*F. According to managers all items had been cooling for 30-60mins. The cooling process of foods shall occur within 6 hours as follows: In 2 hours, foods shall cool from 135*-70*F and in the remaining 4 hours from 70*-<41*F. When cooling, items shall be arrange in a way that maximizes heat transfer away from the product (uncovered/vented, unstacked, top shelf, etc.). Items shall also be placed into a unit that can facilitate cooling in an efficient manner such as a walk-in cooler. Manager vented the products and placed the others into the walk-in.
Corrected At Time Of Inspection
Physical facilities installed, maintained, & clean
Core-6-201.11, C: Floors, Walls and Ceilings-Cleanability - - - - - - -Observed walls surrounding doorway directly across from walk-in cooler in disrepair: multiple areas of exposed drywall, rough finishes, holes in wall. Floors, walls, and ceilings shall be maintained smooth and easily cleanable at all times. Repair and maintain as needed.
Corrected At Time Of Inspection
Inspection Comments

This establishment received a(n) A Grade and had 0 Priority, 0 Priority Foundation and 2 Core violations on this inspection. Notice of inspection rights offered to reviewed with and accepted by by Darien R. At time of inspection, establishment was found to have installed a walk-in in main kitchen. without prior approval. Establishment will need to apply for a expedited minor remodel. Remodel application can be found through the following link: Due to the violations noted on this inspection report, County legal action may result from this inspection. Report delivered via email an confirmed.

Priority violation is a major violation that directly contributes to increasing the risk of foodborne illness or injury.
e.g. - Food employees do not properly wash hands when required
Priority foundation violation is a minor violation that does not directly contribute to an increased risk of foodborne illness but failure to correct this violation may lead to the occurrence of a priority violation.
e.g.- Hand washing soap and paper towels not available at hand wash sink (may lead directly to food employees not properly washing hands when required)
Core violation is a minor violation that relates to general maintenance and sanitation.
e.g. -No sign reminding employees to wash hands
Verification Visits are inspections of establishments enrolled in the MCESD Cutting Edge Program, which requires an enhanced food safety program and ongoing demonstration of active managerial control. Verification Visit inspections found in compliance with Cutting Edge program requirements receive an “A” grade.
The matrix below has been used to grade food inspections under the voluntary grading system starting on October 14, 2011.