Inspection Report
The Kickin' Crab
1840 W Chandler Blvd Chandler AZ 85224
Food Establishment - Eating & Drinking
Food Routine Inspection
Violation #: 1
Corrected Onsite: Yes
Correction Completion Date
Description: Person in Charge Present, Demonstrates Knowledge, and Performs Duties
Priority Foundation-2-102.11(A), B) and (C)(1), (4)-(16), Pf: Demonstration; Demonstration of Knowledge.
Due to the nature of the violations noted in the report at a count of 4 Priority violations. There was no demonstration of food safety knowledge by staff during correction of violations. Thus showing the necessity of having a CFPM onsite at all times.
Correct By: Corrected At Time Of Inspection
Violation #: 8
Corrected Onsite: Yes
Correction Completion Date
Description: Hands Clean and Properly Washed
PRIORITY VIOLATION-2-301.14, P: When to Wash. For a permanent fix to this violation, check out these simple tools in our Active Managerial Control Toolbox, made especially for you.
Observed kitchen employee prepare raw squid rings and shrimp for fryer, staff continued task with food contact surfaces and prepared plate for service. Employee was asked to discard prepared plates, clean surfaces , and wash hands before resuming work. Discussed cross contamination via hands with shift lead at time of inspection.
Correct By: Corrected At Time Of Inspection
Violation #: 9
Corrected Onsite: Yes
Correction Completion Date
Description: No Bare Hand Contact with RTE Foods or a Pre-Approved Alternate Properly Followed
PRIORITY VIOLATION-3-301.11, P: Preventing Contamination from Hands; Bare Hand Contact with Ready to Eat Foods. For a permanent fix to this violation, check out these simple tools in our Active Managerial Control Toolbox, made especially for you.
While discussing when to wash violation with shift lead on the cookline. Observed Cookline employee barehand contact customer ordered crab legs for service. Shift lead immediately pulled crab legs from service and discarded. Discussed further the need to wash hands and apply gloves between tasks and maintain gloves when directly touching food items
Correct By: Corrected At Time Of Inspection
Violation #: 10
Corrected Onsite: Yes
Correction Completion Date
Description: Adequate Handwashing Sinks, Properly Supplied and Accessible
Priority Foundation-5-205.11, Pf: Using a Handwashing Sink-Operation and Maintenance. For a permanent fix to this violation, check out these simple tools in our Active Managerial Control Toolbox, made especially for you.
Observed kitchen staff washing knife in kitchen sink at beginning of inspection. Explained to kitchen staff that hand wash sink is for hand washing only. Later in the inspection a different kitchen employee was filling bucket of water used for cooking in hand wash sink. Both knife and bucket were taken to back for re-washing.
Correct By: Corrected At Time Of Inspection
Violation #: 15
Corrected Onsite: Yes
Correction Completion Date
Description: Food Separated and Protected
PRIORITY VIOLATION-3-302.11 (A1-2), P: Packaged and Unpackaged Food-Separation, Packaging, and Segregation; Protection From Cross Contamination. For a permanent fix to this violation, check out these simple tools in our Active Managerial Control Toolbox, made especially for you.
Observed raw shrimp and raw clams over cooked crawfish in cookline make drawer. Instructed kitchen staff to switch to cooked crawfish on top at time of inspection. Cooked foods must be placed above raw and then organized by cook temperature.
Correct By: Corrected At Time Of Inspection
Violation #: 21
Corrected Onsite: Yes
Correction Completion Date
Description: Proper Hot Holding Temperatures
PRIORITY VIOLATION-3-501.16(A)(1), P: Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food, Hot Holding. For a permanent fix to this violation, check out these simple tools in our Active Managerial Control Toolbox, made especially for you.
Observed spare prepared liquid butter batch containers under hot holding table holding temperature between 115-120*f degrees. Upon further investigation with cookline employees, confirmed 100% real butter. Real butter is a TCS food and must be hot held accordingly at 135*f degrees. Cookline employee reheated to 165*f at time of inspection.
Correct By: Corrected At Time Of Inspection
No County legal action will result from this inspection.
Report emailed
Core-2-102.12(A), C: Certified Food Protection Manager
Award: D,Embargo Lbs: 2,Food Manager Licenses: 0,Review Complete: CHECKED,Review Notes: QA - TH,Signer: Erika Lai
- Priority Violation
- Major violation that directly contributes to increasing the risk of foodborne illness or injury (e.g. Food employees do not properly wash hands when required).
- Priority Foundation Violation
- Minor violation that does not directly contribute to an increased risk of foodborne illness but failure to correct this violation may lead to the occurrence of a priority violation. For example, hand washing soap and paper towels not available at hand wash sink (may lead directly to food employees not properly washing hands when required).
- Core Violation
- Minor violation that relates to general maintenance and sanitation (e.g. No sign reminding employees to wash hands).
- Cutting Edge Program
- All county food-related establishments can partner with Maricopa County to implement a proactive approach to reducing foodborne illness risk factors by implementing food safety systems that include policies, training, and verification processes.
Priority Foundation Violations | ||||||
Number of Violation(s) |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4+ | |
Priority Violations |
0 | A | B | B | C | D |
1 | B | B | B | C | D | |
2 | C | C | C | C | D | |
3 | D | D | D | D | D | |
Any legal action for a pattern of non-compliance or permit suspension results in a D |