Swimming Pool Inspection Tool

Aquatic Health & Safety

Search below in any combination that best works for you. Our system will combine your search terms to find the best matches. Special characters (', *, !, etc...) will be treated as part of any word. Example: McDonalds and McDonald's are considered two different names.

All inspection reports are public records. They are made available to the general public here at no charge. Need an official copy? Submit a public record request. These reports are available for a period of 3 years after the inspection date.

Requires Street Name or Business Name
Requires Street Name
Requires Street Name
Requires Street Name, Business Name, or Zip Code
Must Be 5 Digits
Please use the checkboxes below to filter by permit type once results are retrieved. Uncheck all boxes to display all results.

Issued Date Permit ID Permit Type Business Name Business Address Notes